Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What Kind of Hero Are You?

Hi, my name is Joslin and this is my personal odyssey for English class. First, let me tell you a little about myself. I was born in Dallas, Texas and moved to Mesquite when I was about five years old. Right now I’m fifteen years old and am a freshman in high school. I live with my dad, mom, and two brothers, Jaison and Joemon. I also had or have many pets throughout my lifetime, such as two hamsters (Rose and Angel), a dog (Lucky), and over twenty fish! Some of my favorite hobbies are reading books, hanging out with my friends, and/or spending time with my family. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving because this is the day when we get together and give thanks for what we have. Also, I’m shy around people that I have met for the first time, but once I get to know someone I’m indescribable. I’m overloaded with caring friends and also try to be a friend towards everyone else. Well, I’ve told a little about myself and now I will explain why I think I am a Super Heroic hero. I believe I am a Super Heroic hero because I never let anyone down and because of my support in society. I try, to a great extent, to make everyone belong. I feel as if society is a part of me and I could never do without it. Sometimes I feel as if I don’t belong in the society, but most the times I believe I do. I’m not quite the Superman type, but I believe with all my heart, that I’ll eventually reach to become a real Super Heroic hero.

The Journey for Knowledge and a Good Education

My life has been an enormous quest towards one goal, education. I have an urge to graduate out of high school and college and become a successful pharmacist. To reach this target, I know I will have to encounter many obstacles and I believe I can get past those, with a little help to support me. Even though I may trip and stumble, I intend to get over this barrier. My parents didn't have a chance to get a good education when they were young and I believe I can make them happy by making education my number one choice. It will affect them majorly because I will have been the first generation to have a successful career. While people and other objects push and pull me from having a good education, others pick me up from falling and push me towards the right way. This is why I’m on a quest for knowledge.

Mentor = Daddy

The archetypal mentor of my odyssey is my dad. He has helped me many times when I needed it the most. He never let me down and always believed that I could succeed in life. Whenever I got anything lower than a “B” for a grade, he believed that I could do better next time. He never puts me down, but instead supports me all the way. If I make a mistake on something I did wrong, my dad will tell me to take the mistake as a lesson so I don’t do it again. If I ever take the wrong path or start straying away, he will carefully and slowly show me the right way. My dad has been my mentor for my whole life and I know he always will be my mentor.

Gateway to the New World

All of society has been a part of my life odyssey for all my life. It has been a threshold guardian for me because it helped me change and grow. Society has been a huge obstacle that I have encountered. At first I thought the whole world was against me. I felt that I would have to carry the entire globe on my back and walk everywhere. I later found out that it actually has helped in many ways and several times. Society has tricked me in many ways to see if I was worthy enough to begin my life odyssey. It has showed me that life is not easy and you have to take little, tiny baby steps to get through the journey. If I could someday thank the world for what it has done for me, I most definitely would.

Distractions Just Leads to Trouble

I have one certain thing that is my shadow and that is Satan. He has followed me wherever I have been and walked through. He tries to stick out his feet and trip me so I can’t get back up again. He believes that he can conquer the world which I know he can never do. Satan believes that he is the hero of the entire world and I know that it will take all that I have to defeat him. The devil has given me so many negative and horrible dreams that they are countless. To avoid this specific obstacle, I just talk to the Lord Jesus Christ and he crushes the devil right at that moment. If there was no such thing as the devil life would be easier, but I believe without this struggle I would never be able to make my odyssey complete.

Laughter is the Best Thing for a Person

I just don’t know where to start about the trickster in my life. She has “tickled me to death with laughter” for an extremely long time. The person I am talking about is Ashley Ninan. She has been the comedy of my life with the funny things she does. She does the most random things I have ever seen anybody do. She trips over everything that is in her path (most of the time). She acts like a “blonde” for most of the time I’m with her. Whenever my friends say jokes or a funny story it takes Ashley over five minutes to get the actual joke. This is why I love the way Ashley fits into my life journey and will always be there for me.

Life in India

I was brought up in a different culture than most people were brought up in. All my ancestors came from different parts of India. I’m the first out of all my ancestors to be born in the United States. I feel as if this is what makes me a special and unique person. I can speak three different languages also and these are: English, most of Spanish, and Malayalam. I know most people will never be able to speak so many languages. I also LOVE going to India and seeing family members and to go shopping with my cousins. I went to India in the summer of 2006 and ever since then it has changed my life majorly. I know I will always feel as India is a part of me and I am a part of India forever. I will probably go to India in a few years and I just can’t wait.

He is My Everything, He is My All

The supernatural force that has helped me through my journey of becoming a hero is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is my everything, and I could have never survived without him. He is above all the people I have ever loved. If I need help he is right there with me. Anywhere I go, he is always there supporting me all the way. If I need him at one specific moment all I have to do is get down on my knees and pray. I have sometimes in my life felt as if I am loved by no one, but never have I felt that way about Jesus. He has led me like a shepherd and if I stray away from the herd, he will bring me right back. I have known him for all my life and will always know him for the rest of my life. Like I said, “He is my everything and he is my all.”

Friends May Let You Down, But True Friends Are Always There Beside You

My loyal band of companions is all my friends I have ever had. They are there every single day to support me all the way until the journey's end. They are all around me and on every side of me. They make me feel as if I’m the “center of the universe” and everything revolves around me. They have never left me behind or made me feel left out. Yeah, I do sometimes get into disagreements with them, but we will soon figure out how to resolve it. At first, I didn’t have many friends, but the friends I did have pushed me into making new friends. They follow me wherever I go, and if I fall, they pick me up and tell me to keep on going. If I didn’t have anybody to be there as I go through my life odyssey, I probably would have stopped by now. Since I have the best friends in the world, I can have them waiting at the finish line cheering me all the way as I finish my journey.

Momma, What is Being Mature Mean?

My life has been full of ups and downs. I have done the dumbest things I have ever done in my life. When I was young, I wasn’t yet mature enough to know how to act in the proper way. I regret for the way I acted towards my best friends and other people when I was young. Also, I wish I could go back and fix the way I had acted to my parents when I was young. Now I have matured enough to understand the real way I’m supposed to act. This maturity problem has made one point in my journey a struggle. If I could remove this point in my life, I would do that right at this moment. Most people would not consider this as a difficult time in their life, but this has been the most complicated and toughest dilemma that I have ever faced in my whole life story. I also hope, with all my heart that I will never have to encounter this again.

Am I There Yet?

Throughout my odyssey, I have learned many lessons. These lessons brought me up to become a different and unique person. If I could rewind my entire life on a tape and watch it all over again, I would. I didn’t expect life to have many curves and barriers when I was young, but now that I experienced it I understand everything. My life journey has made me change in so many ways. I could never describe the whole impact it had on me, from really believing in God to experiencing a death in my family. I want to thank everybody for being there for me through all the harsh times, and I also want to thank the Lord Jesus Christ for all the things he has done for me. This is my life odyssey and I hoped you enjoyed it.