My life has been full of ups and downs. I have done the dumbest things I have ever done in my life.
When I was young, I wasn’t yet mature enough to know how to act in the proper way. I regret for the way I acted towards my best friends and other people when I was young. Also, I wish I could go back and fix the way I had acted to my parents when I was young. Now I have matured enough to understand the real way I’m supposed to act. This maturity problem has made one point in my journey a struggle. If I could remove this point in my life, I would do that right at this moment. Most people would not consider this as a difficult time in their life, but this has been the most complicated and toughest dilemma that I have ever faced in my whole life story. I also hope, with all my heart that I will never have to encounter this again.

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