My loyal band of companions is all my friends I have ever had. They are there every single day to support me all the way until the journey's end. They are all around me and on every side of me. They make me feel as if I’m the “center of the universe” and

everything revolves around me. They have never left me behind or made me feel left out. Yeah, I do sometimes get into disagreements with them, but we will soon figure out how to resolve it. At first, I didn’t have many friends, but the friends I did have pushed me into making new friends. They follow me wherever I go, and if I fall, they pick me up and tell me to keep on going. If I didn’t have anybody to be there as I go through my life odyssey, I probably would have stopped by now. Since I have the best friends in the world, I can have them waiting at the finish line cheering me all the way as I finish my journey.
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